Alexander was born in Tiengen, Germany in 1985. He studied at the Music School and Conservatory in Winterthur. In his later studies at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), he successfully completed his Bachelor of Arts (2008) and his Masters of Arts in Instrumental Music Education (2010) with a specialization in the clarinet. In 2012, he received his diploma of advanced studies as a Concert Band Director from the “Hochschule für Musik” in Basel, Switzerland under the direction of Felix Hauswirth.
Alexander directed the Tiengen City Youth Orchestra in Germany for 5 years and since 2006 he has been the conductor of the orchestra in Dangstetten, Germany. Starting in May of 2013, Alexander was appointed as the conductor for the Islikon-Kefikon Orchestra in Switzerland and since August 2014, he is also directing the Islikon-Kefikon Youth Orchestra.
In addition to conducting, Alexander teaches clarinet at various locations such as the Laufenburg Training Center for Wind and Brass Instruments and a private school in Tengen (Hegau), Germany. He has regular orchestra performances and chamber music engagements throughout Switzerland and Germany.
Alexander is also passionate about singing and acting. He has received vocal training from David Thorner in Winterthur and currently studies with Markus Süss. He is also a member of the “Muss” Ensemble, which is a well-known Upper Rhine region music theater ensemble. In order to further his skills as a director, Alexander trains regularly with Director Stefan Halder (Trossingen) and Professor Felix Hauswirth (Zürich).